The Faculty Association is encouraging members to participate in a survey from the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW) regarding workers’ experience during the pandemic. While this survey originates in Ontario, the survey is National and relevant to academic staff.
This survey is designed to learn about your experiences as a worker during a pandemic. This survey is a repeat of the survey originally launched in April/May 2020. Things have changed since this first survey, so the survey has been re-launched during this second wave of the pandemic.
The survey was put together by the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW), with help from researchers at the Institute of Work & Health and Duke University in North Carolina. There was also input from a number of health and safety union staff representatives, who shared the concerns and questions their members have.
To access the survey please select the appropriate link:
For healthcare workers (including EMS) working at healthcare workplaces (including homecare):
- https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Pandemic_Survey (EN)
- https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/sondage_pandemie (FR)
For all other workers either working from home (i.e. remotely), or at a non-healthcare workplace:
- https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Pandemic_survey2 (EN)
- https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/sondage2_pandemie (FR)
During the previous survey, just over half of the respondents took less than 15 minutes to complete the survey (the shortest time was 5 minutes). Those who went through the survey slowly and provided thoughtful comments took up to half an hour.
If you feel uncomfortable answering a particular question, please just skip it.
All the information collected in this survey is confidential. Only the researchers directly involved in this project will see all the answers. The team will not keep any information that could identify you or others. All the data collected will be stored on a secure server.
The data collected is intended to be used for research and to share with research organizations for the end purpose of improving pandemic working conditions. The data, analysis and related information may be used in presentations, websites, and union, trade, and academic publications.
If you have questions, please contact John Oudyk at OHCOW