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Nominations for Board of Directors

The Faculty Association is seeking nominees to the Association Board of Directors. There are five (5), three-year term, vacancies open for election on the Board of Directors. All nominees must be current members of the Association. In addition, the designated sessional seat, which is a one-year term, is also open for election. Nominees for the sessional seat must be current members of the Association or have held a sessional position at some point since May 1, 2020.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, nominations for the Board of Directors and the related materials should be submitted electronically to All required information must be submitted by Monday, February 8, 2021, at 4:30 p.m. Nominators can submit their nomination electronically to the Faculty Association via email; clearly identifying who they are nominating. Alternatively, emails from the nominator or their electronic signatures may be attached to the nomination form, which is available from the Faculty Association office.

Nominations should be accompanied by a statement from the nominee of a maximum of 100 words, which will be circulated along with the ballots. No member may nominate more than two candidates.

Potential candidates should be aware that the Board of Directors meetings are regularly scheduled on Tuesday afternoons, approximately once per month from September to June. Additional meetings are scheduled as required. Board members are also regularly appointed to a variety of other Association, University, and external committees as representatives of the Association.

Please contact the Faculty Association office for a nomination form.

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